Hi 👋 my name is Laura Mai and I’m your happy healthy travelling marketing consultant. My goal is to make ethical marketing easy.
Sixteen days ago I started a challenge set by Alex Hormozi in his training on acquisition.com to spend 100 minutes on content every day for 100 days.
Every day (except Sunday per my religion) I will be doing this challenge and sharing what I learned that you can apply.
If you’re not already, make sure you sign up for my email list so you don’t miss a post!
Day fourteen:
Wow I can’t believe it’s been two weeks already. It feels like I’ve lived four lives since starting this challenge.
Yesterday I was struggling with ideas of worthiness and value. I reached out to my Life Coach and friend Tanya Wilkinson and my Nutritionist Emmie Keefe who helped me through my feelings.
Tanya told me to think about
what brings me joy in life
what I’m grateful for
what I can do to show myself love
Emmie told me to make a list of other people who I respect and love. This was tough because I realised I respect and love a lot of people to some degree, and there are people in my life I feel guilty for not respecting more.
I realised that what I respect is people who have boundaries for themselves, value their health and serve others. I respect people who are patient. I haven’t felt like I am those things lately.

Part of me feels selfish for travelling and out of place in a foreign country. I’m loving my time here but I also feel a combination of loneliness mixed with a lack of responsibility to a community of like minded people. I plan to do a lot of travelling in the next year because I’ve branded myself this way. It’s become clear to me I need to
find a way to help the communities I travel to or help more people online
not travel alone or not stay in accommodation alone
I find it helps to acknowledge difficult emotions because it leads to finding solutions to the real problems. When I feel down my creativity gets blocked. The old me would have ignored this, and she wouldn’t have done the bare minimum amount of work for a few days until the symptoms from a lack of fulfillment subsided.
Thank God I’ve evolved.
Alright, now let’s get onto the challenge.
Time spent yesterday: 165 minutes
What I made:
-4 Tik toks (40 minutes)
-1 blog (30 minutes)
-1 posts for my poetry page (15 minutes)
-Instagram post and stories (20 minutes)
-Additional emails and posting on different pages (10 minutes)
-editing (50 minutes)
I had so many meetings yesterday, including an important final brand call which went really well.
I’m happy with my “work” work yesterday, but I was really tired a lot of the day as well in a post travel coma.
It’s funny, yesterday I realised people don’t know what I actually specialise in for marketing, which is strategy, DEI, branding and research. People assume I specialise in social media because I work hard there as well. I will start communicating better what my main offerings are.
So I did more relaxing work like figuring out video editing. I made a short reel which I’ll put below and I’m also editing Dan and I’s interview (which is a pain).
What went well:
I feel better with the content I made yesterday. It felt like me.
I’ve been shying away from having an opinion on the internet since I went viral, but yesterday I made a video response I feel proud of about a woman who was talking about her non negotiable for having a child.
People were telling her she was being unreasonable when it’s her body! Anyways I want to focus on ethics so point out gender inequality fit with my brand too.
I’ll put the video here:
Key takeaways of the day:
Acknowledge difficult emotions to avoid creative blocks
I need to communicate the kind of marketing I do better vs. just who I am
Making content that feels like you is easier
If you're enjoying this content challenge sign up to my emails to make sure you don't miss a post! You don't wanna miss what happens next because I have little fear of social rejection and the personality of an outgoing American Dad 😂.