YouTube Report
Welcome! This page was made with the aim of providing easy to find downloads for the YouTube Analysis of 501 videos. Here, you'll find a video guide, data highlights and everything you might want to download from the report.

Data Highlights
Here are the highlights for videos specifically in the business category. For information on these averages for overall videos, videos removing outliers in the set, and channel outliers, see page 12 of the report.
Average Time (in minutes)
Average Views
Average Likes
Average Subscribers per Video
Have a shorter video with less time commitment to lead into your longer videos, like a sample.
Combine Guests
For your podcast, have a group. No one is doing this in the business space. An example would be an episode with Chris Williamson, Mel Robbins, and Brett Cooper.
Have more contrast within an episode. Compare multiple businesses and really exaggerate where these people started to polarize what happens at the end.
Emotional Analysis
A video of top-performing business videos for emotional analysis. The top 5 POS (interest, amusement, warmth surprise, inspiration) emotions and top two NEG emotions (boredom, confusion) were observed. (Click here) for the video that was analyzed.